General Election - 2024

There will be a General Election on ⁦Thursday 4 July 2024⁩.  The Green Party will field strong candidates in each of the three constituencies in Hounslow.  

Brentford and Isleworth

Freya Summersgill

Freya Summersgill is the Green Party candidate for Brentford and Isleworth in the next Parliamentary Elections, and stood for the Brentford West by-election on 2 May 2024.  

Freya says: “As a local resident with a young family, I am invested in creating a better community now and for the future. The Green Party stands for environmental and social justice, demanding the change that I want to see in our policies and laws.”

Feltham and Heston

Katharine Kandelaki

Katharine Kandalaki is the Green Party candidate for Feltham and Heston in the next Parliamentary Elections.  Katharine says: “I am a qualified solicitor working with the National Health Service"

“We can do more and we must act now to resolve our climate crisis; our priorities should be to protect our environment, which includes safeguarding human and animal life on planet earth.”


Hammersmith and Chiswick

Naranee Ruthra-RajanNaranee Ruthra-Rajan is the Green Party candidate for Hammersmith and Chiswick.  Naranee was born in Hammersmith, grew up in Kingston as a member of the Sri Lankan Tamil community there, and has lived in Hammersmith since 2006. Her career has spanned education and the arts.  Naranee's priority as an MP would be to identify the best ways to become a genuinely child-friendly country. As a teacher, she knows that meeting the needs of the most vulnerable improves everyone’s lives. 


Check you are registered today

You can check you are registered to vote online at  

It only takes five minutes to make sure you can have your say! 

To register online you’ll be asked for your National Insurance number (but you can still register if you do not have one). Click here to find out what to do if you don't receive pay slips and have lost your NI number.  

Thanks for voting Green in the local elections!

The Green message to put people and planet first is being heard, with more than 800 councillors elected across the nation. We are continuing to build momentum as we fight for four Green MPs to represent social and environmental justice in Parliament.  

Graph showing Green election success

We had success in London with the re-election of three London Assembly members who will continue to hold the mayor to account. Thank you for voting Green in the London Local elections and the Brentford West by-election in May 2024. We will return again in 2026 to fight for Hounslow’s first Green councillor.

2024 Brentford West By-Election

Freya Summersgill

Freya Summersgill was the Green Party candidate in the Brentford West by-election on Thursday 2 May 2024 caused by the  unexpected resignation of Lara Parizotto, the former Labour councillor.  

Freya is a Brentford resident who will engage her passion, professionalism and practicality as your local councillor. Freya has a PhD in civil engineering and decades as a volunteer with young people. She stands for the Greens, the only party committed to social and environmental justice for all.

Our 2024 local manifesto can be found here.  The Greens polled strongly.  The full results can be found here.

2024 London Mayoral Election

Zoe Garbett

Zoë Garbett was the Green Party Mayoral candidate in the election also on Thursday 2 May 2024.

Zoë will continue the current work of the Green Party in London to tackle issues across the city: "Londoners need a campaigning mayor – who will stand up for them, fight back against austerity and fight for more rights. We understand the issues facing Londoners. We are ready to take action. It’s time for political change and we are ready.London desperately needs a Mayor that understands the issues that most Londoners are facing. It needs a Mayor who knows that for this city to work, it has to work for everyone."

The London Green Party manifesto can be found here.  The full results can be found here.

2024 London Constituency Election

Chas Warlow

Chas Warlow stood for the Green Party in the South West London constituency in the London Assembly elections, also on Thursday 2 May 2024.  

Chas is one of five Green councillors in the London Borough of Richmond. Before he became an active member of the Green Party he was involved in community energy projects, helping residents save money and energy. Chas says: “I got into politics because we need to create a future for future generations. It’s that positive vision that people are crying out for – because we all know that time is running out”.

The full results can be found here.