Your local Green Party for all of Hounslow.
We’re working hard to improve your area
Regularly reporting fly-tipping to make the area clean and safe for local residents.
Hold council accountable for non-addressal of civic cleanliness in the locality.
Regularly surveying residents to find out what local issues are important, and identify problems in the area.
Oppose the expansion of the Heathrow runway, and highlight problems with this aspiration of the Labour government.
Protecting local trees and encouraging more to be planted. Cleaning up the air.
Improving public transport
Engaging with schools
Engaging with local NHS
In the past year alone, the Green Party has won more Council Elections than we ever have before in our 50 year history, and added 3 members to the London Assembly. This is on top of the 04 MPs in the Parliament.
There has never been a better time to join us. Click here to become a member.
Want to hear about the work we’re doing?
We are at an important point of redefining and addressing the welfare of people and our planet. We hold other parties to accountability and deliver real hope and real change.
We still need your help and support in for a better world.
Become a member by clicking here to receive all updates.
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Get involved to help get Greens elected. A Green Councillor can make a world of difference to your local area.
We have by-elections coming up in March in the Syon and Brentford East wards of Hounslow council.
Our candidates have been carefully chosen based on both their values of Green Party and the contributions to local communities.
For Syon, we have Freya Summersgill. A detailed description of Freya can be found here.
In Brentford East, Rashid Wahab is our candidate. To learn more about Rashid, please click here.